Netto hangs out with Irma

As lead agency, Brandhouse created the Life is expensive – Go to Netto universe. A creative concept that communicates low prices and opens up attitudes and actions.

Voted one of Denmark’s strongest brands

At Netto, you always get value for money. The Danes know this. That’s why Netto is one of Danes’ favourite grocery chains and voted one of Denmark’s strongest and best-known brands. But more and more competitors are eating into the market. So, low prices on the shelves aren’t enough.

Brandhouse has been the lead agency for Netto on two occasions. The first time was between 2008 and 2017, when the concept It’s hard work to make money – make the most of it struck a chord with the hearts and wallets of Danes.

Life is expensive

The second time began in 2020 with the Life is expensive – Go to Netto universe.

Netto understands the Danes. And we know how to make communication interesting and relevant. And where we do it best. The focal point is always all the unpleasant expenses and overpriced items.


Overall, Netto has experienced a significant boost in brand strength across all 15 parameters in the YouGov Brand Index measured in January 2022. That’s an increase of 5.5% in ad awareness, 7.35% in value for money and a 22% improvement in reputation.

Felix Binggeli
Client Director
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